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Статистика раздачи
--The Company v.0.4.8-- Дата: 2017
Жанр: Adult game, Adventure, Oral, Small Tits, HTML
Цензура: Отсутствует
Версия: v.0.4.8
Разработчик / Издатель: www.patreon.com/user?u=5585917
Тип издания: In Progress
Платформа: PC/Windows
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Таблэтка: не требуется
Системные требования:
OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10 | HDD: 350Mb
The Company is an AIF game set in the universe established by Wandrer on the ASSTR database, with his permission. This game focuses on the very early years of The Company before it became what Wandrer made it into, and aside from the entity itself borrows little to nothing else from his works. You choose your character's name and gender and set off down a path of corruption, perversion, and control. As the game progresses, you\'ll encounter more people to corrupt, and more ways to do it utilizing the various devices and drugs you'll develop in the Company laboratory.


Alpha 0.4:
Save files from 0.3 are not compatible with 0.4
Rewrote game intro to fall more in line with story vision
Added first major story milestone, concluding on Monday, September 11th
All PNG files have been converted to compressed JPG files
Future version updates will include image update packages to help with download sizes
Due to image handling change, version 0.4 had to be released as a full package
Several UI improvements including more dynamic tables and a proper day/date system
Added basic avatar to side bar to make gender state for obvious
Updated mirror system for more dynamic character reference
Updated serum cooldown system. New formula is (serum base CD + times dosed).
Ex. MCS-1 has a base cooldown of 1 day. If you’’re dosing someone for the second time, it will be (1 + 2 = 3) days before you can dose them again
Days remaining on cooldown will be displayed when you try to dose that person
Added the Bathroom as a proper location while at work
Added the starts of John’s routes
Depending on how you play, it’s possible for either you to submit to John, or for John to become a test subject in your lab!
These routes are in EARLY stages
Updated notes system with dynamic images based on how many times you’ve dosed the character
Added ability to call Penny on the weekend
Events include texting and talking on phone
Once a weekend you can trigger a date event with Penny
You can now pass time at work in the Morning via “Wait for Penny to arrive at work” in lab
This way you don’t have to spend money or talk to Julia
This event will also trigger morning events with Tasha in your lab
Available Progression Content:
Story content ends on Monday, September 11th
Game can continue on normally, but no new events will trigger
Sophie can be dose 1 time
Mom and Sister can be dosed 3 times
Tasha and Diana can be dose 3 times
Penny can be does 2 times
John has two story routes
He can be dosed 3 times, triggering a major event
He can turn the tables on you
No major consequences implemented for this route yet
Penny can be taken out on a date every weekend
...But you still won’t get past second base yet
Game Features:
Dynamic gender system allows for player transformations over the course of the story
Play the game how you want, different routes yield different content. Don't like incest? Don't drug your family!
The game will change based on how you decide to play, and the ending can change drastically based on your choices
Limited time and resources mean you'll have to make choices as to what routes you want to pursue.
This is my first venture into any sort of adult fiction, I've never written this sort of content before. I know this barely passes for a demo, given its scope and length, but with the engine more or less complete I'm at a point with it where content should be implemented much more rapidly. Before I dive off the deep end, I really wanted some early feedback. I expect to be able to get out weekly updates from this point forward.
Thanks for any and all criticism!



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